ProCodeCG Kids Programming Class 4 July 2015 – Light Bots


Today we have a newcomer! A smart and passionate little girl that learns as fast as lightning! 🙂
We learn about algorithm and functions using Light-Bots. This game is a good way to learn about sequences and functions and it attracts kids trying to solve it using logics.

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The challenge of every level is to light up the blue tiles.IMG_2999 1


In our regular class, the topic keeps changing every week. This is because kids are usually cannot come to every class and new kids keep coming in every class so the class should be fluid and flexible 😉

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Kids in this class have different ages, with different expertise levels. To balance the class, ProCodeCG apply peer-learning technique where the students should be able to help other students. They share knowledge and discuss on how to solve the problems.

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They even exchange computers to help each other solve the problems 🙂



This view, on every Saturday, is the view of hope that one day this nation will lead on computers and technology 🙂IMG_3004 1

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This is one captain giving help to one student.IMG_3006 1


And while that captain “fixing” the problem, other captain comes assisting



Peer-learning works. Kids learn much faster this way!IMG_3008

Any kids interesting in programming in a casual class with nice friends to work and share with, please join our class every Saturday, 9 – 11, at BCCF, Jl. Taman Cibeunying Selatan No. 5 Bandung 🙂

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