ProCodeCG codeMeetUp() 23 Feb 2015 – Possibility of Co-op based IT Company


The topic today is about IT start-up companies and the possibility of based them on co-op, an extraordinary idea presented and proposed by Seterhen Akbar, CEO of Labtek Indie.


LABTEK IND!E is an Interactive Technology Lab fueled with creatively energized and full of guts young persons, generating thousands of crazy ideas everyday and make them happen.


LABTEK IND!E implements design thinking concepts to each of its works

To be able to make a good product, it should have a desirable design, with feasible technology and visible business.

Co-op seems to be a great possibility for IT start-up companies


Co-ops offers more opportunities with distributed profits


We also got Rudi Suryadi, System Architect of IBM announcing about IBM competition going to be launched on March!


And this is us, like always, happy hearts and brains!

IMG_5955We’ll be reporting the next event, see you next week! 😉

ProCodeCG codeMeetUp 16 Feb 2015 – Bandung High Tech Valley


Today the well-known technopreneur rockstar Prof. Budi Rahardjo shared to us about Bandung High Tech Valley (BHTV).


Bandung, with its science, tech, and creative communities is a conducive place for such thing as Silicon Valley (Notes: if you take a look carefully at the lower left corner there is ProCodeCG as one of creative community 🙂 #important)


Bandung has LOTS of things to offer:


Many people did not attend this valuable event, but asking for the presentation slides. Well, sorry to say, you missed a great deal and without sitting it on, you would not get as much as these people came today! 😉

IMG_5847 crop

Thanks to friends from Kampoong Monster, Tinker Games, Media Wave and ITB for joining us. See you next week, we will inform you about the speaker and the topic very soon! 🙂

ProCodeCG codeMeetUp() 9 Feb 2015 – Games Programming


The topic today is Games Programming! Muhammad Tomy Kurniawan from TinkerGames shares to us about how to develop games using Unity3D


Tinker Games, as written on the website, “an Indonesian mobile game and digital entertainment company filled with young energy and creativity with the vision to improve Indonesia’s digital creative ecosystem and aims to become the best company in Southeast Asia in the fields of digital creative industry.

With unique graphics, original story lines, and interesting game play, we’re redefining the mobile gaming experience. We’ve released a few games in multiple platforms such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Nokia OS. Tinker Games has also transformed its games into promotional items such as pins, art books and key chains.”

It is one of the leading games developer in Indonesia, established by Indonesian young and talented people. Its products covers all the platforms: Android, iOS, Java, Linux, Mac and Windows.

Below is an example of C# codes in Unity3D. And this is one of the simplest 😉


Well, after all, not just the sharing that matters the most, but all new friends and connections we make each time! 🙂

We even spend more time discussing about how we can make this community works like Silicon Valley!


We also intend to map all the communities who have taken part in ProCodeCG codeMeetUp() so instead of outlets and malls on Bandung City Maps, there should be one with all the start ups and communities in Bandung!


Brains and hearts are happy today. The next codeMeetUp() will be about Bandung High Tech Valley (BHTV) by Prof. Budi Rahardjo!

Now we’re doing what others won’t do, so someday we can do others can’t! So join us, or left behind! 😀

ProCodeCG codeMeetUp() 2 Feb 2015 – Programming in Animation


Hello hello!

Today ProCodeCG is very proud and honored to have Kampoong Monster sharing about their impressive works on our regular codeMeetUp() event!

This is Aditia A. Pratama, Technical Director of Kampoong Monster, explaining about Programming in Animation

Bintang Senja P, CG Supervisor of Kampoong Monster is also joining in to explain about the design process an animation artist should go through.

Established on 2013, Kampoong Monster has a long and splendid portfolio already. Starting from its first client, Menkominfo (Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of Indonesia), Kampoong Monster also created “Dedication of Life”, a heroic nationalism campaign for Jokowi. Kampoong Monster also takes part in The Gooseberry Project, as one of the best animation production house working together with others from countries worldwide.

This is the code (in Python) to modify Blender, the main engine used by Kampoong Monster, so it can provide specific functions needed in the process of producing animation. The core of Blender is in C.


And here we are! Happy with fully-loaded and inspired brains 🙂
IMG_5607Thank you Kampoong Monster, see you very soon 🙂 Next week, it will be Tinker Games sharing some really awesome stuff about games development!