ProCodeCG Kids Regular Coding Class – Online – 8 August 2020


The report of Coding Squad activities today 😉

Aidia is preparing for the exhibition, and it seems like she has reached about 75% of the project 🙂

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Kimi has just joined the regular class and started to create mobile apps with Thunkable

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Bryz is developing a new game: BreakOut Game 😉

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Kenzie is making his first game in GameMaker

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AlFattan is creating an escalator in Minecraft 😉 Well done!

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Kay added some features to the shooting game and then started to create BreakOut Game 🙂

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Capt. Awa on duty 🙂

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Enzo is creating a Clash Royale Game 😉

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Alif is presenting how Robot Jimu and Robot Wedo work 😉

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Adam is preparing games for exhibition

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and Hafiz is making lots of progress in Python Programming

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Liyyu has just joined the class and finished lots of challenges 😉 He’s going to make a project after this 🙂


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The class today 😉

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ProCodeCG – Private Coding Class – Online – Python Programming – Day #1


Day #1 of Python Programming Private Class, we learn about basic principles of programming

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and then we use Google Colab to make it easier to compile, create documentation and share the code

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Then we start to practice all of the principles :


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Data types

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and then combine all of the principles altogether

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what we have learned so far 😉

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On the next class we will learn some simple implementation of data science with Python 🙂

ProCodeCG – Private Coding Class – Algorithm & Data Structure – Day #5


The last day of private class on algorithm & data structure 😉 Today we learned more about frequency analysis

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we learned of to trim out unwanted symbols and whitespaces etc.

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we learned about regex and data preprocessing

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and how to sort a dictionary in ascending or descending orders

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the result 🙂

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then we moved on the learn about graph

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about json and xml

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how to parse data from json

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the example is crawling data from instagram and count the appearance of words in caption correlated with a hashtag

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then we started to built our own simple graph

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and analyse the representation in our head compared to the code 😉

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graph is basically built with dictionary

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we are finding the shortest path from one node to another 😉

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this is the result

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same with we figured out manually 😉

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these are the files from our 5-days training 😉 well-documented 😉 hoping that the class is useful for you James! until next time 🙂

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ProCodeCG Kids Regular Coding Class – Online – 11 July 2020


Saturday is our time to gather and work 😉

Andra joined our regular class today and start an elevator project, under the supervision of Capt. Awa 😉

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Aidia is creating skin and continuing her Minecraft projects (redstone and stuff)

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like creating roller coaster on a structure created by a code

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Tsaqif moved from IDLE to online Python coding today 🙂

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While Ukasy has gone long way ahead 🙂

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Daffa is learning C# 😉

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while Rheino is still learning developing website with HTML, CSS and Javascript

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AlFattan is pretty busy generating JavaScript codes to build structures in Minecraft

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Capt. Faris is modifying an object detection code

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Capt. Awa is busy teaching Andra

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Sam is porting his Juz’amma project to Android Studio

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Fadhlan is having a headache fixing the laptop and the robot plus bad internet connection 😀

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Kinan is still working on Covid-19 project but can only send this screenshot as the report 🙂 Hoping that everything is going as expected 😉

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ProCodeCG – Private Coding Class – Algorithm & Data Structure – Day #1


Today we learn about programming languages, datatypes and basic principles of programming: sequences, looping, conditionals dan functions 🙂

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we started with looping

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and then operators

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and then conditionals

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then we did some challenges 🙂 this one is how to determined whether a number is prime or not

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we learned different techniques and logics to solve the problem

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comparing different codes

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and modify it to be able to display list of prime numbers in a certain ranges 🙂

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we’re going to learn about data structures in the next class 😉

ProCodeCG Kids Coding Camp – Online – Mid 2020 – Python & GO Programming – Day #5


Our last day with the hardest challenges to be done 😀

Lio and Abie got challenges to do in GO Language


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While Kimi and Attar struggling with creating virus with Python


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ProCodeCG Kids Coding Camp – Online – Mid 2020 – Python & GO Programming – Day #4


Day #4 and every kid was given different challenges as they making progress everyday.

Here’s how they are doing today 😉


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ProCodeCG Kids Coding Camp – Online – Mid 2020 – Python & GO Programming – Day #3


Day #3 🙂

Lio and Abie started to get challenges in GO language 🙂 They should be familiar with the syntax at this point 😉

While Kimi and Attar keep moving on with Python, dealing with more errors and complexity 😉


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ProCodeCG Kids Coding Camp – Online – Mid 2020 – Python & GO Programming – Day #2


Day #2, Abie and Lio started to write, compile and run more GO codes

While Kimi catching up with yesterday’s class he missed and Attar learning some Python syntax with Code Combat before getting back to where he left yesterday 😉


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ProCodeCG Kids Coding Camp – Online – Mid 2020 – Python & GO Programming – Day #1


Lio and Abie is learning Go Lang while Kimi and Attar learning Python 😉

Check out their progress 😉


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The class 😉

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