ProCodeCG Kids Programming Class 1 Aug 2015 – More Python


Our weekly happiness is ProCodeCG Kids Programming every Saturday 9 – 11 am πŸ™‚
Kids usually come up early before the class starts!


Today we continue the Light Bot, to give the newcomers a chance to catch up and to re-introduce the concept of a function.

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Kids should understand the concept of function because today we are porting Scratch “drag-and-drop programming” concept to Python πŸ™‚

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Some kids familiar with Scratch are allowed to do the task with Scratch before they port it to Python. The others just jump right in typing Python.

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New students keep coming in so even we missed several kids today the class is still filled up πŸ™‚

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And this is what we call persistency πŸ™‚ ❀FullSizeRender 7

Eventough kids usually open YouTubes or playing some games during class, it is only allowed after they have finished the task given.

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And peer learning always work all the time! πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚

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Well, the fond of problem solving/programming is when kids keep doing it after they got home. Like one of ProCodeCG Captain finally solved the most hard problem at the class and do it again at home just to screenshot it and Β make sure she can help the students next class πŸ™‚

Bildschirmfoto 2015-08-01 um 5.36.55 nachm.

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