ProCodeCG Kids Regular Coding Class 6 Feb 2016 – Exploring Minecraft Command Block and Red Stone


Today several kids didn’t show up because they were out of town for a long weekend, but we got lots of newcomers! 😉


Today we explored command block and redstone in Minecraft 🙂 Cinta and Azriel don’t like to play Minecraft so they were given something else: creating quiz in Python, with GUI 😉


This is Roni, he is from Finland but VERY fluent in bahasa and sundanese 😀 He is very nice and can get along with others very quickly. And of course, he is fluent in Minecraft too 😀


At the beginning, Roni’s computer took forever to load Minecraft in singleplayer mode. Thanks to Capt. Fizhan who fixed it by changing some settings so it worked nicely 🙂


Another newcomer is Rizqi. He caught up quickly too, and a very good Minecrafter! He wouldn’t let us ask about what he was doing until he finished it, and he created a trained controlled by redstone! How nice!


And this is Michael and Kevin! Newcomers from last week. They are very good in Minecraft especially redstones, they created amazing things!


Ardi is of course an expert in Minecraft. He can create almost anything! 😀


These two kids are doing totally different thing 😀 Cinta is observing how to read answers for each questions and giving score for every correct ones.


Kids. Infinite sources of creativity 😉 ❤ This is Michael working on his things.


And this is Kevin. They are twins with awesome processing power so it’s like having dual core processor at once 😀


This is how Rizqi looks like when he’s not telling you what he is doing 😀


Azriel is setting up his own workspace. Totally busy 😀


Capt. Syahna is working on her writings while also assisting Cinta.


So the class was given a task to create an elevator/lift. This is what Roni created. He created it with water 🙂


This one is Rizqi’s 🙂


This one is Ardi’s. Very advanced. With redstone, piston, etc.


This one is Kevin’s 🙂


And this one is Michael’s 😉


At the end of the class Ardi created and showed us a totally awesome cart that moves back and forth with redstone block and rails. So cool! 🙂


We also created some repeater and clock circuits!

Bildschirmfoto 2016-02-06 um 6.11.34 PM

This one is a circuit to set time to day and night alternately! How cool! Ardi taught us how to do this! 😉

Bildschirmfoto 2016-02-06 um 6.19.36 PM

We will going to explore more about this but next week we are going to do more programming to get the newcomers in the track! 😉

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