ProCodeCG Kids Programming Class 5 Sept 2015 – More Encryption with Vigenere Cipher


Today we learn more about encryption!

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We continued on Caesar Cipher encryption and decryption

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we learned how to do brute force too πŸ˜‰

Kids were given this ciphertext to be decrypted with brute force.

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And they solved it! πŸ˜‰ (with some scratching head πŸ˜€ )

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Kids were given some examples of virus too. Just to let them know what can be done with programming. With warnings that they should use their knowledge for doing only good things. If they want to create their own virus they better make good ones πŸ˜‰

Kids were also being updated about Ransomware. And how they should not ever take advantage from other people in a bad way like creating virus so they can make people pay for the anti-virus or encrypting files of other people and make them pay to get it decrypted.

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Aaand, today we learned a more difficult encryption. Vigenere! Harder to attack πŸ™‚

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And this is some sample of the encryption.

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Next week we will do some coding in Minecraft! To give the kids some break after learning hard the last 4 weeks πŸ˜€

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