ProCodeCG Kids Regular Coding Class – Intro to Programming, GameMaker, Java Programming and Apps Programming – 8 Oct 2016


Hello, this is our class yesterday 🙂

Areli created his own game at home, and he’s quite proud of it 😉


It’s surprisingly a very interesting game, Awa gave it a try and liked it 😉


The game is multiplayer, each box can be controlled by two players using different keys 🙂


Jundy and Faris were working on Java Programming 🙂


Tyo (on the right) had some problems with compiling (but finally he figured it out 😉 ). Ozan (left) was supposed to do Java Programming but he was still figuring out how to make his LDR and LED work 😀


Rafi was on his Blockly mission (the Bird part; a bit annoying but worth the effort 😉 )


We created a simple password window in Java Applet yesterday 🙂


Jundy’s still not working, probably because the applet .html file wasn’t correctly configured.

We will continue the Intro for Programming, learn about more game tricks in GameMaker, more textfield and button next week for Java Programming, and create more apps with Thunkable next week 🙂

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