ProCodeCG Kids Programming Class 28 Nov 2015 – Algodoo Challenges


Yesterdaaaay we did some Algodoo challenges!

But before we get into the materials for today, we are going to show you what Ardi, the Algodoo expert has made a night before 😀


A bulldozer to crunch a car LOL 😀


Faris also created something interesting before the class: a piston 🙂


After checking out those cool stuff kids created at home, we started to do the challenge 🙂


Everybody has own ways to solve the challenge


This is Ardi gave Gaga a jump start on Algodoo. Gaga seemed to like this kind of problem solving activity 🙂IMG_0681

The siblings of ProCodeCG Kids Class Student, usually come to the class to watch their brothers/sister learning. This one is Ardi’s little brother 🙂


He just waited there the whole time, nicely and quietly 😀


One of the challenge is to make a bridge strong enough for a truck to go across. IMG_0685

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Like usual, captains are in charge to help 🙂 Since we have lots of captains now, the ratio can be 1:1 🙂


Faris did lots of exploration on Algodoo. He observed lots of Algodoo examples and implemented them to his own project.


Gaga was keeping up quite fast. He set up his own shapes and own experiments 🙂


And also collaborate with Faris 😉


While the Algodoo Captain started some new project to work on


It drew Cinta’s attention to make similar things 🙂


This is so typical of ProCodeCG Kids Class! where sharing, collaboration, and teamwork (plus leadership) happens! 🙂 ❤


Meanwhile, Hari, Ardi’s little brother started to create something on his big bro’s laptop… apparently it is an atomic bomb (which caused the computer hang after he ran it LOL)


While the others experimenting with other things like gears for water turbines 🙂


This is what Ardi created based on the request: a machine to collect water from rains and flow it into some kind of big water storage. Impressive! 🙂

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Bildschirmfoto 2015-11-28 um 11.23.10 vorm.

And here we show you how many siblings in the class: this is Hari and Ardi 🙂


Syahna and Fizhan 🙂 IMG_0697

And Faris and Farrel 🙂IMG_0698

The class has always been the reason for looking forward to every Saturday. See you next week! 🙂



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